Monday, September 27, 2010

Mike Walden’s ACNE NO MORE Review

Now, if you are looking to PERMANENTLY cure your acne, pimples, whiteheads, blackheads or zits, then this is probably the best review you will ever read. I am about to reveal to you the facts about Mike Walden’s ACNE NO MORE system. This is unarguably the number one acne cure system in the world right now. And it’s no surprise why.

You’re reading my uncensored Acne No More review. I’ll be going VERY in-depth, as Acne No More covers a ton of information. It includes a 242 page manual and 2 videos, so a short review really isn’t an option.

The organization of Mike Walden’s book makes it very difficult to know where to begin with implementing the program into your daily routine, funny enough, because the amount of information contained in it is JUST ENORMOUS, and Mike Walden goes into such detail, that it’s a little hard to go back and forth wondering what step is next. Simply a perfect natural remedy for pimples.

The book gives you a step-by-step guide on the daily routines to follow, which will see you miraculously get rid of pimples fast, and and make it never come back! The book also begins with the author’s personal struggle with acne. This is quite inspirational in my opinion, as far as achieving a natural cure for pimples is concerned.

Now, let me reveal to you SOME PARTS of the skin care regimen contained in ACNE NO MORE. These are simple home remedies for pimples.

What is the skin care regimen to remove pimples fast?


1. Steam – Opens the pores.

2. Cleanse – Using a natural acne fighting soap.

3. Treat Blackheads – This remedy will tighten your pores, eliminate most blackheads and speed up the healing process

4. Exfoliate – Mike Walden’s exfoliating paste gets rid of old skin cells and softens the skin. It also brings your skin back to its natural pH levels. Certainly can help to get rid of acne at home.

5. Apply Acne Clearing Solutions – These pimple remedies will clear acne spots, kill bacteria, reduce redness, eliminate pus, and rejuvenate the skin. Certainly important for getting rid of pimples.

6. Moisturize – Mike Walden gives you a moisturizer that is simply amazing. You only use one drop for your entire face! It is a therapeutic oil, 100% natural and safe. Walden goes on to say that it is, “highly effective as an anti-inflammatory agent, antibacterial, deeply skin-penetrating and an excellent moisturizer.”


1. Steam

2. Cleanse

3. Apply A Facial Mask – You will be alternating with a different mask every day. These will, “remove dead skin cells, open the pores, tighten, moisturize and exfoliate the skin, making it more radiant and shiny.” Mike gives recipes for 7 different natural face masks. You could alternate between them or just pick a few that work well for you.

4. Apply A Paste On Inflamed Areas And Individual Spots – This is a spot treatment for individual pimples.

5. Moisturize

6. Apply a Vitamin – Just before going to bed you will be applying the liquid found inside a vitamin capsule to your face. This vitamin helps, “ease sunburn inflammation, softens the skin and speeds up the healing process.”

In one of the two videos a pretty girl (Mike Walden’s girlfriend?) guides you through this entire process. It’s good to see someone go through all these steps so you can see how to get rid of pimples fast by applying them on your own face.


Now, if you are an acne sufferer, then I am sure you must have tried all sorts of expensive creams, cleansers and tablets, from those containing benzoyl peroxide to accutane, to proactiv. Some have even tried acne diet. And on each occasion, the acne spots disappear for a few days, and then REAPPEAR AGAIN. And you become worried and ask yourself why.

Well, the reason is very simple. These so called creams and medications only TEMPORARILY help to get rid of the acne spots, but they DO NOT cure the ROOT CAUSE of the acne. This is the reason why the acne spots keep REAPPEARING, just when you thought you had finally gotten rid of them. And Mike Walden recently pointed that out when referring to benzoyl peroxide:

“By using benzoyl peroxide, you are not eliminating your acne; you are only killing the bacteria. Once you stop using it, acne will return with a vengeance. As you will see later you have acne for a reason. Acne is a message from your body you should not ignore.”
Mike Walden – Acne No More

The causes of pimples are well-known, but how to prevent pimples has become areal headache for many, and they end up still with a pimple face. But with ACNE NO MORE, you are getting a COMPLETE and HOLISTIC home remedy for acne, which will help you get rid of acne naturally through homemade acne remedies. No more worrying about how to get rid of pimples overnight. This will be achieved mostly through NATURAL METHODS which are safe and easy to apply for acne help.

If you follow the Acne No More system you can completely get rid of acne at home, no matter how severe! I really do believe that. It doesn't matter what the causes of acne are. What matters is you get rid of them! Whether you want to get rid of back acne, get rid of facial acne, get rid of whiteheads, get rid of blackheads or get rid of zits, it is just as effective for all the different types of acne. It simply shows you how to get rid of a pimple. A must have, if you want to get rid of pimples quick. What’s more, if you don’t have very severe acne, you will only need to use about 20% of the potential contained in this program.

Mike Walden’s “external skin care secrets” is enough to completely get rid of acne overnight. However, he also provides a complete system for nutrition, fasts, and detoxing that, in addition to providing you with a healthier diet, can completely cure even the most severe acne, and aid in getting rid of pimples fast. Certainly a recommended book for anyone serious about completely getting rid of acne.


  1. well, a friend of mine told me about Acne No More. she says it worked 4 her, though i am yet 2 try it. she has been acne-free for over 6 months now. i want 2 believe the system played a role in that. will definitely try it out.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. A few tips on Natural Home Remedies for Acne:

    Lemon juice and rose water for acne: Blend half a spoon of lemon extract and rose water. Applay it on the skin after a gentle facewash. There are chances of an initial searing sensation since citric acid is used here. Wash your face with normal water after leaving it to soak for a while, say 15 to 30 minutes.

    For more info about natural home remedies :

  4. If u are more conscious about acne problem then u can find acne treatment from here.

  5. This is a great way to tell the people by step by step.If after the read this nice article,after then u are finding that how to get rid of acne scars,then visit here.

  6. This is a great informational post on this ebook. It really helps me decide if I am going to purchase it or not. I have been suffering from acne since i was a teenager. I am now 20 and have been looking for a cure forever. I have been looking for home remedies to cure acne but have had no luck. I have tried prescription drugs for acne but still no luck. I will try this ebook and take the chance because I am desperate. Thank you!

  7. Nice to know these tips! There are times that I have a few pimples. I'm using such alternative tips to remove those and they are really effective. But my problems are the scar and blemishes. Do you have any tips for removing blemishes? Although I'm a man, honestly I'm a bit vain about my facial skin… Hehe… I've heard some of my friends who benefit from using alternative health medicine. They said that those natural medicines are safe. But before they started using it, they asked an expert in alternative healing methods about it. I hope I can find best natural remedy on removing blemishes.

  8. Acne is a skin virus which happens to almost every person and mainly affects the back, chest, and face. It is caused by an interaction between Hormones, bacteria and sebum produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin.acne treatment
